Ongoing Project

Noondawind Dashboard

Noondawind Dashboard

Connecting communities with real-time environmental data to protect manoomin (wild rice).

Image credits: Lorie Shaull


Manoomin (wild rice) is a pillar of Ojibwe culture and livelihood. It also plays a key part in understanding and conserving Great Lakes coast wetlands. Ka Moamoa Lab efforts have designed and deployed environmental sensors in this region to understand why Manoomin is in decline. This project is supported by NSF CoPe and STRONG grants.


I'm collaborating with academics, data scientists, engineers, policymakers, and Ojibwe Tribes, the design efforts began in August 2024. As the primary designer, I’m acting as a product design generalist, driving research and design with a goal to deliver the first testable iteration to community partners by December 2024.

The idea is bring together on a dashboard:

1. Sensing and data science

2. Governance and policy

3. Indigenous perspectives and community engagement

Case study in progress.
Thank you for your patience.


Designed with care, coffee and countless all-nighters.

Built with Framer.